128 PC Tweaker. Net edition 129 pctne.key 150 Internet & network 203 Error 400 Network statistic 500 Internet connection 501 MTU search error.\nPlease, check:\n1) Does you ISP host name correct?\n2) Does your PC connected to the Internet?\n 502 Are you shure want to delete preset\n"%s"? 503 Are you shure want to overwrite preset\n"%s"? 504 [User settings] 505 Preset file read error.\nPlease, check help for more info. 506 Preset file write error.\nPlease check preset name and/or help for more info. 507 Can't delete preset file.\nCheck help for more info. 508 Sorry, but this is UNREGISTRED version.\nAll changes that you make since PC Tweaker installation will be canceled. You current settings will be saved as '[PCT] OnUninstall'. You can register, reinstall PC Tweaker and reload your settings later.\nNote, that the registered version will not rollback your changes on uninstall. 600 Internet Explorer settings 700 Ping center 701 Last run: %s \nResult: Success. \nAverage time: %u ms 702 Last run: %s \nResult: Error \nPossible reason: Timeout. 703 Last run: %s \nResult: Error. \nReason: Connection not found. Ping canceled. 704 Last run: %s \nPing result: Error. \nReason: Empty URL string. 705 Last run: %s \nPing result: Error. \nReason: Can't reslove host name. Please, check your internet connection and URL for errors. 1100 Internet connection:\n\nIf you have two or more internet provider than you can configure and save each provider settings as preset.\nLater you can load any preset at any moment. Just load, reboot and get optimal connection. 1101 Internet connection:\n\nEven if you are using our preset for you connection we recommend find MTU value manually anyway because each internet provider can have theirs own settings. 1102 Internet connection:\n\nSmartSearch require a little more time but you will have more exact MTU value. 1103 Internet connection:\n\nSetting optimal MTU value can improve internet connection speed. 1104 Internet connection:\n\nYou can automatically apply the optimal settings when loading preset by checking "Optimize on load" checkbox. 1105 Internet connection:\n\nOn first start-up PC Tweaker saves your current connection settings. You can restore it later by loading "[PCT] Autosave" preset. 1106 Internet connection:\n\nYou can overwrite old preset (except "[PCT] Autosave") by selecting it name in Settings Manager and pressing Save button. New preset name field (on the left from Save button) must be empty. 1107 Internet connection:\n\nAll presets made by user will not be deleted on uninstall. This is made therefor that user could solve himself what to do with this presets (save for future use or delete). 1200 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nYou can disable pictures, sounds and videos on web pages to improve web page download speed and decrease your internet traffic. To do this use "Show pictures", "Play video" and "Play sound" checkboxes.\n\nNote that faster download and low traffic will save your money. 1201 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nIf your disable picture you might wish enable picture download placeholder. This will prevent page view distortion. 1202 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nEven if you are have enabled pictures you can enable picture download placeholders. This will reduce page formatting time and speed up page viewing. 1203 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nYou can save your traffic by forbiding automatic component downloads and install.\nNow Internet Explorer will ask about before download. 1204 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nUsing PC Tweaker you can disable some Internet Explorer setting tabs for security reasons. For example, if your PC is used by other users. 1205 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nYou can check Internet Explorer version at the bottom of Internet settings task. 1206 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nYou can clear Internet Explorer temporary files, cookies and history in order keep your privacy or free some disk space.\n\nAlso, you can monitor count and size of temporary files and cookies using Internet Settings task. Use Refresh button to update statistic values. 1207 Internet Explorer settings:\n\nDo not clear Internet temporary files and cookies too often because this can increase time that required to load some pages. But sometimes this can be necessary (e.g. security reason or free disk space). And it's always useful to know temporary files size. 1300 Network statistic:\n\nYou can keep download and upoad statistic values after disconnect by checking "Keep after disconnect checkbox". 1301 Network statistic:\n\nNote, that some information field can be empty. This is means that this parameter not defined in your current configuration.\n\nFor example if you use workgroup network than Domain name field can be empty. 1302 Network statistic:\n\nYou can select network adapter using list under "Adapter information" if you have more than one. 1303 Network statistic:\n\nUse "Refresh" button to manually update adapters and network informations. 1304 Network statistic:\n\nYou can use Network statictic task to check you current IP.\nEven if you have more than one adapter then you can view IP address for each. 57344 PC Tweaker